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Reflection 1

        This was my first time creating my own little blog, and I found it was much more interesting than I thought during the making process. To be honest, I thought it was an annoying assignment in the first place because it took me a lot of time to create a new style and design an acceptable view for my readers. However, I actually learned some skills in terms of how to organize my paragraphs, how big the word size should be, the color arrangement, and many other things etc. Thanks to Dr. Sherry and TA Linda, I understood things were not as easy as I thought. What I thought to be OK might not be friendly to the readers. Therefore, I started to change my original thoughts and make some adjustment to make my article become better than before. Compared with the very first one, I did make a big progress, and I definitely got a sense of achievement after finishing the assignment.

        What I found challenge to me probably was the arrangement of the background and the color of the word. For instance, I always had to think it carefully when I chose a background picture and a clear word color so that it wouldn’t make it hard to read. In addition, I would like to have a background related to my topic of the essay, but sometimes it seemed to be difficult to find a corresponding picture which might drive me crazy! But still I tried my best to find the pictures that were nearly close to my expectations. It just took me so much time searching for the best one.

        To sum up, I think it was a good experience for me. It not only provides a personal area to share my works but also allows me to learn from others’ advantages through observing their websites. Furthermore, there were some students from NCUE who would read our journals and give us some feedback. I wanted to thank them for spending their time as well. I hope I can keep working hard on my website and try to enjoy every making process. More importantly, find the passion without considering it was just an “assignment” and do it much better in the next semester!

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