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My Spring Break

    During the spring break, I went back to my grandma’s house AGAIN......(Okay, I knew that I had shared such experience so many times in my former journals, and you guys must feel bored reading similar ones. BUT! This time was a little bit different from others.) This time our house came two guests who were my friends or actually I should call them seniors from my department. Well, I invited them to my grandma’s house since they said that they didn’t know where to go for a small vacation and asked me whether they could come back home with me. So, I refreshed agreed.

    As soon as they arrived, my grandma passionately entertained them with her handmade spring rolls, which were just in time for the spring festival. She was hospitable, and in order to prepare the spring rolls, she especially got up early in the morning to make all the ingredients and fillings. It was so delicious that everyone should give it a try!


                                   After finishing lunch, we spent

                               some time playing the electronic

                               keyboard and singing Karaoke

                               indoors. Later on, we originally

                               decided to play the basketball at

                               the court which was near my

                               house; however, the weather was

                       not  generous at all, it started raining

shortly after we left. Failing to do some exercise, we changed our plan to the night market for buying our dinner. We bought fried Spanish mackerel thick soup, omurice, Taiwanese churros and some sweet potato balls. At the end of the first day, we played games such as Mahjong, Rummikub and many other board games.


    On next day, we went to a place (I forgot its name) where there were several ancient utensils, and we could also get some knowledge of cultures. There was a table with sands for people to draw a sand painting that we thought was very interesting and spent almost half an hour drawing variety painting there. Afterwards, we went to an art museum to admire some famous artworks. I found it really amazing that all of the artworks were magnificent and splendid. There were many times that I couldn’t help but just praising out loud like”Wooha!”.


    Finally, here came our last visiting schedule: CACAO FARM FORMOSA, which was like a chocolate factory, and there was a DIY room where we could make an appointment for learning how to make chocolate. After shopping around, we went into a coffee shop located there, sat down and had some afternoon tea. We were immersed in the flavor of luscious chocolate and felt the taste of sweetness.


    For them, it was a two-day trip that looked plain but full of little happiness. For me, I was glad to have them accompanied with me which made my daily life more different and exciting. What’s more, I was surprised that they could follow the pace of my family’s interaction style in a short period, and they seemed to like my family very much because they thought they were cute and funny. Anyway, everyone is welcome to my grandma’s house, and I was looking forward to inviting them again.

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