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My Health Condition

        Many people think that youth is half battle, and I am no exception. I stay up until 1 or 2 a.m. almost every day, and sometimes I even go to bed after 3 a.m. Because I think that it is only younger people that are able to endure such fatigue. It was not until last week that I realized that my health condition was getting worse and worse.

        Recently, I often felt dizzy for no reason. At first, I thought it was because I didn’t eat anything before class; however, with several times feeling faint after meal as well, I couldn’t find any clue to explain this problem. Furthermore, I sometimes got stomachache and diarrhea after having meal, and I also had inflammation of the gums which made me hard to eat. What’s worse, the most serious and urgent problem was the sleeping deprivation problem. It all started from last Thursday, when my friends and I temporarily decided to go for a night singing. We sang from 3:30 a.m. to 7:30 a.m., and then we had a breakfast. After that, I went back home and slept for about half an hour since I had a class at 10. However, when I got up and wanted to wash my face, dress up, and get other things prepared before leaving home, I felt like the world was spinning and I could barely stand straight. So, I eventually failed to go to school. That was not the end of the story……


        Not only did I do the part time job at that night, but I went to Huwei for eating the fried buns with my friends after my shift, which was right at midnight. With two consecutive days staying up late, I felt that my body wasn’t mine, and that my brain wasn’t working normally.
I couldn't  focused on watching things and was absent-minded that I often forgot what people had said to me or lost the ability to remember knowledge on my homework, and the frequency was getting higher. Yesterday, I even locked on my door without bring the key before leaving. 
It showed how sleep deprive I was and how serious the problem was.


        These signs were all indicating me that I can’t indulge myself like I used to think how strong I was anymore and should take care of my health from now on. I finally realized that my health was sending me a message of alarm which I should go on a healthy life.


                                                                  My friends told me, “If you don’t                                                              take care of your health when you are                                                              young, you will have to pay for the                                                                   debts that you have made when you are                                                           old. And you will find it is difficult to                                                               make up at that moment.”
        My mom also persuaded me, “You are only 19, how come you live like a forty-year-old woman? It is better to take care of your health while you still have time, do not wait until you are old to regret it. You have to be responsible for your own health.” 

        After a deep consideration, I decided to change the situation by living a regular life, such as going to bed as early as possible, doing exercise at least once every week, eating more vegetables and trying not to drink cold drinks, etc. I hope that I really learn a lesson from this experience, and that I can become healthier in the future.


“You should love yourself more.” I said to myself.

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