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How to Make a Basque Burnt Cheesecake

        Do you have a sweet tooth? If yes, then you must have heard of or eaten one of the most popular desserts, Basque Burnt Cheesecake. However, have you ever wondered making one by yourself but do not know how to do it or where to start? There are four simple steps that you can follow to make this classic dessert.


        First, prepare all the utensils and ingredients that you will need during the process. Regarding the utensils, you need to prepare a seven-inch cake tin, parchment paper, an electric mixer, a whisk, and a sieve. As for the ingredients, you will need cream cheese 450g, sugar 135g, heavy cream 225g, 3 eggs, cake flour 11g, and vanilla extract 5g. With all the appliances prepared, you are ready to get started.


        Next, you should have a well-controlled of temperature. Preheat the oven to the temperature of 220 degrees Celsius to help bake the cake at a stable temperature, which would avoid inconsistent temperature of inside and outside the cake and accidental burnt on its surface. In addition, make sure the cream cheese is at the room temperature and is soft enough to beat so that it would be well-mixed with other ingredients later. So, it is important to balance the temperature properly.

        Third, mix the ingredients all together. Beat cream cheese with the electric mixer in medium-low speed, and then pour sugar into it and keep beating in the same speed until the sugar is well-dissolved in, and the mixture becomes smooth and creamy. After that, add eggs one at a time and be careful that each egg is fully mixed in it before adding another one. Meanwhile, sift flour and then pour heavy cream into another bowl, using a whisk to mix them until it turns out to be smooth. Eventually, combine the two mixtures, add vanilla extract, and mix them well. As you finish making the batter, you are almost done!


        Lastly, bake the batter, and then cool the cake. Sift and pour the batter slowly into the cake tin. Tapping the cake tin against the table to squeeze out excess air bubbles. Once this is done, place it into the oven and bake for 35 to 45 minutes at the temperature of 220 degrees Celsius until it puffs, and the color turns into very brown. Cool the cake down and remove the cake tin carefully. Then congratulations, you are done! You could enjoy it either at the room temperature or chill it in the refrigerator overnight. Both are awesome!


        Now, do you know how to make a Basque Burnt Cheesecake? Just follow the four simple steps, and you won’t mess up easily. So, what are you waiting for? Give it a try!

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